Naam, stoffen, farmaceutische vorm, toedieningsweg, afleverstatus en nummer
Product Name

An asterisk (*) can be used as a wildcard while searching

Active substance(s)

An asterisk (*) can be used as a wildcard while searching

Inactive substance
Bevat geen

Select this option to search for a medicinal product that does not contain this excipient.

Pharmaceutical form
Route of Administration
Legal status
Registration number (RVG/RVH)

The marketing authorisation number is the unique RVG or RVH number. Search by number only (without RVG or RVH).

EU-nummer (Europees registratienummer)
EU/1// /***

European authorisation number, ie: EU/1/97/001/001. You can enter one or both parts of the EU Number.


ATC = Anatomic Therapeutic Chemical Classification. You can search by description as well as ATC code.

Datum verstrekking handelsvergunning
Overige kenmerken
Marketing authorisation holder

An asterisk (*) can be used as a wildcard while searching

Additional Monitoring

Medicinal products under additional monitoring.

Additional Risk Minimization Material

Aanvullend informatiemateriaal voor patiënten en/of zorgverleners met aanbevelingen om belangrijke risico’s van het geneesmiddel te beperken of te voorkomen.

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Search by keyword in SmPC

Zoeken in het SmPC document
In entire SmPC

Discaimer: Searching on terms inside the SmPC is not possible for EMA (centralized) products.

In indication
In contra-indication
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The Medicines Information Bank is managed by the Netherlands Medicines Authority MEB. It provides the official product information of all medicines which have a marketing authorisation in the Netherlands. The Medicines Information Bank is updated on a weekly basis and shows the situation of two weeks before. The last update was on 19-02-2025.

You can also access the Medicines Information Bank as a data file.

You can help us to improve the (functionality of the) Medicines Information Bank by sending us your suggestions and/or comments in an e-mail.